Interval sight singing

by In the Music


3.99 usd

This app is developed for sight singing practices. You can freely select the options [Key Signature, Intervals, Direction, Melody Length, Range] and press the [Compose] button to get a piece that you can practice sight singing with it. In the case of Key Signature, you can choose flat or sharp by pressing once more on the same button. If you want to skip the composed piece and get a new one, press the [Pass] button. The first note of the the produced piece will be played after the [Compose] button is pressed. Press the [Play All] button to play the entire note and to compare/confirm with your sight singing. Press [Single Play] to play the first note again. You can check how many composed pieces you practiced by seeing the counter at the upper right. Skipping a piece will not be counted. If you want to reset the counter, just click on it and it will return to zero. Augment 1 is included inside minor 2 option. If a composed piece does not match the Melody Length, it is because the app cannot produce more notes with the selected intervals and direction. We hope this app will help you to practice sight singing more effectively and conveniently.